Welcome to the Standard's Based Grading Blog for LaSalle and Aquin staff. We generated a lot of ideas and thoughts during our carousal of questions activity on October 12th. We appreciated your honest input. This blog is set up so we can 'discuss' grading. It's not designed to force anyone to think a certain way, but we hope it will allow you to reflect on your own grading practices and to be open to how others see grading. We all come with our own biases. Some based on being a student, a parent or a teacher. Those biases directly and indirectly impact what we do in the classroom and how we grade. Expectations: We ask that you blog at least ONE time by answering the posted question from the assigned chapter. We encourage you to go back now and then to read what others have posted. You certainly can reply to anyone's post if you so wish. We hope it's a great way to learn and expand your own thoughts on grading. Happy reading! October 26th Assignment ...